Sunday, 30 March 2008

Sotheby's Tries to Leave oman-Silver Dispute

Sotheby's in New York filed a motion yesterday in State Supreme Court in Manhattan requesting that it be dismissed from a two-year-old suit over 14 pieces of ancient Roman silver called the Sevso treasure.
After Sotheby's announced it would sell the treasure for its British owner, Lord Northampton, in February 1990, the Governments of Lebanon and Yugoslavia claimed title to the silver and obtained a preliminary injunction barring its removal from the United States for sale in Switzerland. Since then, the Government of Hungary has also filed a title claim for the silver, which is being held by Sotheby's pending settlement of the case.
"We have requested to be discharged because no claim has been brought against Sotheby's in that action, and Sotheby's has never had an ownership interest in the silver," said Marjorie E. Stone, Sotheby's lawyer. "The consignment agreement between Sotheby's and the Trustee of Northampton Settlement expired on Dec. 31 1991. Sotheby's has notified the trustee that it has no intention of renegotiating that agreement or selling the property."


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